Brian Wilkes

Brian Wilkes

Brian Wilkes

As a news anchor and talk show host, Brian Wilkes became nationally known for his coverage of the space program and of celebrities. He later became known for his work to teach and preserve the Cherokee language and culture, including the complex and symbolic traditional Calendar. As a business and personal consultant/coach he has leveraged his media experience to develop an international clientele. His humanitarian work has brought awards including six knighthoods. Wilkes currently resides in southern Illinois, where his writing topics include home business, Native American culture, and complementary healing.





Jonathan Wellamotkin Landis

Jonathan Wellamotkin Landis

Jonathan Wellamotkin Landis

My personal journey has led me through many fields of sacred healing and restoration, all of which I humbly offer to those in need of a very “down-to-earth,” indigenous approach to the improvement (and reclamation) of Sacred Life, Health and Emergence in Oneself, one’s Family, one’s Community, one’s Society and the Earth.

I look forward to sharing your Sacred Walk!

Certified Minister and Medicine Man of the Sahaptan Healing Way (Nemenhah ITO)
Chief Custodian – Ehlahts Kohwaht Indigenous Healing Discipline

Shamanic Earth Arts: By Sige’

Rev. Gary C. Herron

Rev. Gary C. Herron

Shamanic Earth Arts

I travel the woodlands in my mind and on foot. I thought about the adventure and manifested it. And so, here I am now. My Home. I go far back into the ravines and gullies of the Earth, with my stick and boots and hat. It is wet and cold and silent, except for the faint trickling of water falling or flowing somewhere further on. I stop by each tree and feel its energy and look for signs of Nature’s gifts. I find a feather, see a bud and a seed, locate an old bone, or a shell. I make my way up and down hillsides, and my breath quickens from the exertion. I see my breath on the breeze. My heart pounds in my chest, but I know it is not totally from the hike, but from my inner fire of excitement at being at one ,on the land, with my Mother, the Earth. The sun shines weakly through the trees, at dawn. There is fog, and wisps of dewy moisture on the tree tips. I didn’t come here alone. My relations on many levels are here with me. My shadow ‘selves’, are here. My goodness and badness. The ’I AM‘. The creatures of the forest are here, and I hear a scurrying rustle in the leaves on the forest floor and the voice of my Ancestors, and Spirit Guides help me navigate the forest and glens, as I search for blending and connection. I hear their ’call’. I give thanks and make offerings of Prayers, Sage smoke and corn meal, seeds and tobacco. I re-emerge with the soil, plants and trees. The canopy of the loving Mother’s arms protect me and shelter me from the wide open Father sky, and secure my faith in myself. The roots of my Being are here. I am rooted in the moment. I know this Path. I am the Path.



SusanSpirit is reminding you that you need to have firm boundaries set in place. Other’s will treat you as you have allowed them to treat you. You cannot worry with what other’s may think of you when you are truly taking care of you and your wellbeing first. When you have set boundaries for yourself, you have set into motion what you will tolerate or no longer tolerate from other’s. It is okay to look after you first. You, come before anyone else, as anyone else is not you. YOU are unique in this human existance. You cannot care for you in a healthy way if you do not have clear, healthy boundaries for yourself. Without boundaries, you are setting yourself up for unhealthiness within. Love yourself enough to stand up for yourself. Say no when you mean no and yes when you mean yes. Do not let fear take over you, speak up for what is right or not right for you, always. Love you first and foremost and other’s will adjust and fall in line or fall away. Either is okay. Let it be what it will be. However, do not get boundaries and selfishness confused. You will be, okay. You are backed, by Spirit.

Daily Spirit Messages

The Power of Peppermint: 21 Health Benefits Revealed.

Peppermint1By Dr. Mercola

As we approach the season of candy canes and peppermints, it’s a perfect time to pay homage to the medicinal herb that gives these winter treats their flavor: peppermint.

Far from just a flavoring for candies, the therapeutic effects of fresh peppermint leaves and peppermint essential oil have been known since ancient times, and its aromatic aroma has come to symbolize hospitality in many cultures. According to GreenMedInfo:1

“Dried peppermint leaves have even been found in several Egyptian pyramids carbon dating back to 1,000 BC.”

Today, modern research has continued to prove what these ancient cultures already know, which is that peppermint is one of nature’s most valuable herbal remedies.

21 Health Benefits of Peppermint

Why might you want to add peppermint to your natural medicine chest? Here are 21 valuable uses for this therapeutic plant.2

1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Peppermint oil capsules have been described as “the drug of first choice” in IBS patients,3 as it safely helps alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. Research has shown that it is effective in children and adults alike, with one study showing a 50 percent reduction in “total irritable bowel syndrome score” among 75 percent of patients who tried it.4

2. Colonic Spasm and Gas

Peppermint oil is an effective alternative to drugs like Buscopan for reducing colonic spasms.5 It may also relax the muscles of your intestines, allowing gas to pass and easing abdominal pain. Try peppermint oil or leaves added to tea for gas relief.

3. Gastric Emptying Disorders

In people with functional gastrointestinal disorders, peppermint may be useful to enhance gastric emptying.6

4. Functional Dyspepsia (Upset Stomach and Indigestion)

Supplementing with 90 milligrams (mg) of peppermint oil, along with caraway oil, “much or very much improved” symptoms of functional dyspepsia in 67 percent of patients.7 If you have an upset stomach, try drinking a small glass of water with a few drops of peppermint essential oil added.

5. Infantile Colic

Peppermint is at least as effective as simethicone in the treatment of colic in infants.8

6. Breastfeeding-Associated Nipple Pain and Damage

Peppermint water helped to prevent nipple cracks and pain in breastfeeding mothers.9

7. Tuberculosis

Inhaled essential oil of peppermint helped to rapidly regress tuberculosis inflammation, with researchers suggesting it may help prevent recurrences and exacerbation of the disease.10

8. Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)

Extracts from peppermint leaves may inhibit histamine release, which suggests it may help alleviate hay fever symptoms.11

9. Shingles-Associated Pain

A topical treatment of peppermint oil resulted in near-immediate improvement in shingles-associated pain, with the results lasting for two months of follow-up treatment.12

10. Memory Problems

The aroma of peppermint has been shown to enhance memory and increase alertness.13

11. Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea

Peppermint oil effectively reduces chemotherapy-induced nausea, and at a reduced cost compared to standard drug-based treatments.14

12. Prostate Cancer

Peppermint contains menthol, which may inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.15

13. Radiation Damage

Peppermint may protect against DNA damage and cell death caused by radiation exposure.16

14. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1

Peppermint has been shown to help inhibit drug-resistant herpes simplex virus type 1.17

15. Dental Cavities and Bad Breath

Peppermint oil extract has been shown to be superior to the mouthwash chemical chlorhexidine in inhibiting the formation of biofilm formations linked to dental cavities.18 Powdered peppermint leaves have also been used historically to freshen breath and whiten teeth; you can even add a drop or two directly to your toothpaste.

16. Respiratory Benefits

Peppermint oil acts as an expectorant and decongestant, and may help clear your respiratory tract. Use peppermint essential oil as a cold rub on your chest or inhale it through a vaporizer to help clear nasal congestion and relieve cough and cold symptoms.

17. Headaches

Peppermint oil may help relieve tension headache pain. For headache pain, try dabbing a few drops on your wrist or sprinkling a few drops on a cloth, then inhaling the aroma. You can also massage the oil directly onto your temples and forehead.

18. Stress

Peppermint oil is cooling and energizing. Add a few drops to your bath, or dap a few drops directly on your body then get into the tub, for near-instant stress relief. You can also put the oil into a burner for a stress-relieving aroma.

19. Hair and Skin

Try blending peppermint oil into your massage oil, shampoo, bodywash or body lotion. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help cool your skin and remove dandruff (and lice) from your scalp.

20. Asthma

Peppermint contains rosmarinic acid (also found in rosemary), which may help to reduce inflammation-causing chemicals in people with asthma.

21. Muscle Pain

Peppermint may help to relieve muscle spasms and pain. Try massaging its essential oil onto sore muscles or adding it to your bath water for muscle pain relief.

Peppermint 101: A Quick History and How to Use It

Peppermint comes from the mint plant (there are about 25 different species of mint), and is actually a natural hybrid cross between water mint and spearmint. In addition to its medicinal properties, mint leaves were rubbed on tables to welcome guests in Greece, and mint tea is still customarily offered to arriving guests in the Middle East.19

When selecting peppermint for your own use, the fresh leaves will impart a superior flavor to dried leaves (such as for use in tea). Look for fresh leaves that are green in color without any dark spots or yellowing. In addition to using fresh mint leaves in tea, you can add them to soups, fruit salad or gazpacho. Peppermint essential oil is also widely available, as is peppermint extract in supplement form.

The essential oil is ideal for muscle and chest rubs, headache pain, dental care and aromatherapy. You can even add it to your homemade cleaning supplies for extra antimicrobial power and natural fragrance.

If you want to give the therapeutic properties of peppermint a try, simply add a drop or two of natural peppermint extract or a few crushed mint leaves into a glass of pure water (either iced or hot). For even more therapeutic punch, and with flu season upon us, try a tea made from a combination of elderflower, yarrow, boneset, linden, peppermint and ginger; drink it hot and often for combating a cold or flu. It causes you to sweat, which is helpful for eradicating a virus from your system.


Generation x :rise of the slacker: By Mark Metheny


mark_profileGeneration x: The rise of the slacker
March 5, 2012

I’m going to speak to a certain group of people now. This may appeal to others as well but I’m particularly speaking to the people of my generation, Generation X if you will. There is much debate about when the Generations actually start and end but I have correlated the different generations with their Pluto signs as I think each generation has their own power structure and their own mark to make on society. Pluto is the Planet [or Planetoid you choose ] that rules how we evolve as a society and individually.

 I have seen Gen X as starting anywhere from either side of 1965 going on through to as late as 1982.I put it as 10/20/1956 to 07/30/1972 But to narrow it down I am looking even more at the group with the tight Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo say from the dates 08/1962 to 12/1969.

We have been called slackers and spent a large part of our time nonconforming and raging against corporate America and other fun activities. It just so happens now that as many of us should be in the middle of our “careers” or easing into middle age it is our turn to step up to the plate and leave our mark as a generation.

Having spent much time disenchanted with the mainstream and ignoring marketing ploys sent to us through our tv’s and computers we are now staring down our futures and realizing that the world isn’t any less screwed up than when we first started ridiculing it. As a collective, our Generation is now being activated by retrograde mars running amok through Virgo which is activating said Uranus Pluto conjunction. Also, Chiron is back in Pisces which it was when those of us in the ballpark of 50 to either side was born. Thirdly Neptune, which rules our imagination is now in the sign of Pisces and starting to form an opposition to our natal Uranus Pluto conjunctions. Lastly, Pluto is currently in the sign of Capricorn forming a trine to our Uranus Pluto Natal conjunctions.

The people born between August of 1962 and December of 1969 are being awakened to make their mark in the world and help everyone heal on a physical and psychic level.

The Uranus Pluto conjunction in Virgo in the Birth charts for these people has lent itself to being very analytical and skeptical of information we are being told. I know few people in our age group that get their news from the mainstream media. I know many that are single, divorced, never been married or don’t have children, much more so than any other generation near us. I think this is good that we aren’t gullible or naïve and that we look into things for ourselves. However, this can breed a sense of constant inner dissatisfaction that can be hard to overcome. Are we too cynical for our own good?

This conjunction is being activated by Mars transit through Virgo. Mars went into Virgo November 9thof last year, turned retrograde on January 23rd of this year, will station and go forward on April 13thand finish its visit through Virgo the first week of July. Now Mars is very aggressive by nature and works on an instinctual level, Virgo is very analytical and anal retentive, to a fault sometimes, but great at fixing problems. When Mars is retrograde its energy is turned inwards, so Mars has a lot of things to fix while it’s in Virgo, but when the energy is turned inwards it becomes frustrating and irritable. It wants to fix many things and usually at the same time as the Virgo frenetic energy can work on many things simultaneously when undisturbed. This frustration leads to a sense of introspection to analyze what is worth doing and what is just busy work. Discriminate between what activities or battles are of value and what is just OCD. What is the fix for this?

As mentioned earlier Neptune and Chiron are both in the sign of Pisces and traveling very close together and they will be opposing the Uranus and Neptune in our charts in a couple years so now is the time to start visualizing or imagining [ Neptune ] what kind of a world we want to live in and what we want it to look like. Neptune is about faith and seeing the connectedness is all living things. We need a healthy balance between faith that there is a purpose to things that happen and skepticism. Too far to either side and you become delusional on one side and jaded on the other. We do have a purpose here sometimes it just takes a little while to find it.

Chiron is an Asteroid and it is known as the wounded healer and it’s where we get our ability to heal ourselves and others on a holistic level. Mind, body, soul. We must visualize ourselves as one cohesive unit and balance out the Virgo tendency to compartmentalize and over analyze. Chiron and Neptune in Pisces are about healing the schism between Uranus and Pluto in Virgo.

The last pieces were Pluto is in Capricorn, this is forming a Trine to Virgo which means they are harmonious energies and they are easily able to work together. Pluto is about transformation amongst other things and Capricorn is about self-accountability. We must hold ourselves as a group accountable for what we don’t like in the world even if we weren’t willfully complicit it is still ours to analyze [ Virgo ]what is wrong and help to fix [ Chiron ] it. We can either spin further out of control right now or we can seize this opportunity to overthrow [ Uranus ] the power structures [ Pluto ] we don’t like in our world by holding them accountable [ Capricorn ]. These may be inner or outer structures, they may be a controlling boss, an addiction, a Government, whatever is negatively controlling us. This is the time be the change in the world that we want to see.

Opening to Our Earth’s Sacredness Led by Gaia Communicator and Award-Winning Author, Mare Cromwell

MareOpening to Our Earth’s Sacredness
Led by Gaia Communicator and Award-Winning Author, Mare Cromwell

Online Course – Starts Weds, April 6th, 5pm PST (8pm EST)
Four 90 minute sessions on Wednesday nights, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 and 4/27.


Cost: US$115

Send payment to:
Mare will send course information and payment details once she receives your email.

Our planet is sacred and conscious. She is Earth Mother and she is a powerful spiritual being unto herself. Indigenous peoples all over the world have honored Earth Mother for thousands of years. Their medicine people can communicate directly with her.

Earth Mother is calling us to remember her and come back into balance on her. She is yearning for us to reconnect with her deeply, from our hearts and our spirit bodies.

There is a New World being born right now and we can all be mid-wives in this birthing process by doing our spiritual and emotional (plus environmental) work and by connecting our love with Earth Mother’s Love more consciously. We can come home to Mother by our prayers, thoughts, and actions.

In a rich, experiential online course, Gaia Communicator and award-winning author Mare Cromwell will guide participants in a journey of Spirit and Joy as she shares wisdom and hands-on practical and spiritual approaches to “Loving our Planet” based on a professional background as a sustainability educator along with nineteen years of studies with Native American medicine people.

Within this course you will learn:
– Who Earth Mother is as a powerful spiritual consciousness.
– Her Quantum Divine Love for us.
– What is Earth Mother’s Role as Planetary Caretaker.
– An Intro to Earth Changes and the new Earth Mother transitioning in at this time.
– How to create a more Sacred Relationship with Earth Mother by doing specific spiritual exercises and other practices.
– Honoring the Nature Spirits as part of Earth Mother’s Sacred Community. Who are the Nature Spirits? What is their role? Ways to connect more with them.
– Sacred Gardening approaches honoring Earth Mother and the Nature Spirits.
– What happens when we are in more Sacred Relationship with Mother. How does she communicate with us?
– How to take the relationship more deeply.

The course will include a guided meditation to activate your spiritual connection with our Earth to a more powerful level. Mare has been leading events internationally and learned that many people’s awarenesses and capacity to tune into Earth Mother and nature spirits are woken up after experiencing one of her meditations.

The amount of Love that Earth Mother has for us is so huge that it is beyond words. To be bonded with her is so healing for us and for her. We will tap into that Love during the course and learn how to send our love back in numerous ways.

There will be practices, readings and assignments that will deepen your awareness of Earth Mother and your bond with her.

Join us to develop ways to be spiritually connected with our Planet Caretaker, beyond the beautiful actions of organic farming or growing herbs. Come learn how you can serve Mother for the highest good from a spiritual/energetic standpoint, and be a Seed for the New World being born these days.

Mare’s Bio:
Multi-award-winning author Mare Cromwell has been informed by several gifted Native medicine people that she is quite closely tuned in with Earth Mother. After downloading the spiritual messages in Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother in the summer of 2012, Mare received very clear spiritual guidance from Mother in the fall of 2013 to write The Great Mother Bible during the winter of 2014.

Mare Cromwell is also a nature mystic, intuitive empathic healer, plant communicator and international speaker. She has learned how to communicate with and offer ceremony to the trees, waters and others in the natural realms. Mare’s books are: The Great Mother Bible; Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother; and If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America. She has studied for nineteen years with Native American medicine people and is currently on hiatus from the World Council for Wisdom Gatherings. Mare calls Western Maryland home and is a former worm herder.

• Each class session includes teachings and question and answer time.

• Recordings of the classes will be available to listen to after each teaching.

• Online Community – An exclusive Facebook online community will be created to continue your learning after each class. You can ask additional questions, interact with other students and get access to additional resources to take the course to an even deeper level.

Testimonials from Mare’s Writing and Workshops

The “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother” are such medicine to our soul … Your writings help me feel part of a wider community that honors, respects & venerates [Earth] Mother. – SL, Mexico

I’ve been reading your messages this morning, and you are just so special…I’ve never read anything like this, and I’ve read a LOT of spiritual writing over the years! Thanks again for sharing your beautiful wisdom with our readers, Mare… – Julia Melges-Brenner, editor of

It was a delightful time and I love your simplicity in your connection with the Mother. I am working with the Mother’s Love connection and it feels so good to connect more and more to our Earth Mother. I am very grateful and feel such grace after this experience with you. – MS, Holland

A month later I still have Mare’s message (actually Mother’s message) coming to mind when I quiet my mind and really listen. In these moments, I KNOW that I am loved and that I am already doing exactly what I should be doing at the moment. Thanks again for your love and inspiration. – F.O. Pennsylvania


Iggy Garcia, David Two Crows & Adriana Arts LIVE at Mystic Sisters.

Welcome to

Every Monday I hold an open forum session with my good friends David Two Crows and Adriana Arts we invite others in the holistic and metaphysical community worldwide to join us. The first part of the show, (once a month), we invite a well-known and up and coming friend(s) in our community for an interview.  For more info on Iggy visit:

This week will be taking our show on the road, we will be broadcasting LIVE at Mystic Sisters in Grandview Ohio.  Mystic Sisters is a metaphysical store that is owned by the McAnally Sisters, Meggin and Melanne. The sisters felt a calling to purchase the store after a visit to the store under precious owner. Mysitic Sisters carries Crystals, incense, candles, healing jewelry and artwork from local artists. They also offer the following services: Reiki, Massage, Pranic Healing, Reflexology, Psychic Readings, Mediumship work, Hypnosis, Astrology, Tarot card readings and Angel card readings.

Aneak Boker – Pranic Healing, Angel Cards and AromaTouch

Tony Clark – Astrologer and Tarot

Alysann Jones – LMT, Reiki and Massage

Lisa Noland-Shalosky – Psychic Medium and Hypnosis

Cheryl Throwe – Psychic

Deb Hinty – Tarot Cards Reader

Monnie Cummings – Psychic Medium, Angel Card Reader and Reiki Master Teacher

Nada Maiback – Psychic Channeler and Reiki Master



David Two Crows

DTCI now have 3 books available for purchase. There are 2 ways to order one. You can purchase them individually online from or from my Estore. The price for each is $12.99. Alternately, you can get an autographed copy from me directly for $23 and I will send it to you via Priority Mail. If you buy 2 books from me, the price decreases to $20 each, and if you buy all 3, it drops to $50. That’s right, all three books, signed by me, sent by me to you directly, for $50. That’s my deal for you! Just PM me if you are interested. And happy reading!

“As The Crow Flies” eStore:
“Kaleidoscope” eStore:
“The Evolution Within” eStore: